电脑大家应该不怎么陌生吧!现在电脑已经普及到大多数人的家庭之中了,电脑的用途非常地广,不同年龄段、不同行业的人对电脑的用处不同。但是对于很多的年轻人来说电脑最大的用途就是玩游戏了。电脑游戏大家肯定玩过吧!它可以使人上瘾。 《火炬之光》FixPatch V1.1 升级补丁细节 - Missing saves - Long load time - Poor ingame performance on certain machines - Certain antivirus programs - Needle arc XP issue XP - Stacking Shadow Armor effects - Vendor Dupe bug - Startup issues on some hardware/resolution combinations. - Brink bug - Store 'thief' bug - inventory casts certain spells - Console not activating on Steam builds - ADDITION : Rimlights, HW Skinning, and VSynch can all be altered from the Settings menu now. - Syl Bug - DOT Deaths not dropping loot - Quest items no longer allowed in stash - Several level fixes for a few places where things overlapped - Fixed texture/mesh/ replacement stuff for mods - now change difficulty level on the fly
原文:http://forums.runicgames.com/viewtopic.php?f=24 玩游戏可以在很大程度上让大家放松放松,但是我建议大家不要把过多的时间投入到工作当中,因为这样的话大家很有可能上瘾,这样不利于大家的工作或者是学习。 |