电脑大家应该不怎么陌生吧!现在电脑已经普及到大多数人的家庭之中了,电脑的用途非常地广,不同年龄段、不同行业的人对电脑的用处不同。但是对于很多的年轻人来说电脑最大的用途就是玩游戏了。电脑游戏大家肯定玩过吧!它可以使人上瘾。 1.Computer AI – Does the computer’s online AI vary from its offline counterpart? No. They are the same. 关于电脑AI-在线联网的电脑AI会比单机战役的AI要高很多吗? 不是的,他们是一样的。
2.Have you considered allowing a post-game lobby for users to discuss the last game, collectively watch replays, or immediately enter into a rematch? Yes, we have a plan for a post game lobby. However the details are not finalized yet. 你们是否考虑过为玩家做一个类似赛后大厅的东西?在那里玩家可以讨论他们刚刚的那场比赛,一齐来看游戏录像,或者可以立刻组队再来一场。 是的,我地的确有计划做一个赛后大厅。但是具体细节仍需商讨。
3.Is there any update on additional map features other than the Xel’Naga watch towers, destructible rocks and tall grass? No. Currently there is no update on additional map features. 除了萨尔纳加瞭望塔、可摧毁的岩石以及灌木丛外,还有没有其他新的地图元素添加到游戏中? 没有。事实上,现在在游戏中没有新添加的地图元素。
4.How many different voice actors are needed for StarCraft II, including the unit sounds and campaign heroes? There are 58 unique voice actors participating, with some voicing multiple roles, and the number may increase as the game gets closer to release. 如果将游戏中的兵种单位以及雇佣英雄考虑在内的话,[星际2]需要多少个配音人员? 现在已经有58个各有特点的配音人员参与游戏的配音工作,有些还一配多角。随着游戏发行的日益逼近,配音的人数可能会增加。
5.The terrain types in StarCraft II we have seen so far had names like “Bel’Shir (Jungle)”. Does this mean that “Bel’Shir” is just an alias for jungle and every terrain is just named after a typical planet using it or are there – to stick with this example – other jungle maps with a different terrain set, something like “Aiur (Jungle)”? We named our terrain sets based on the planets. There are a lot more terrain sets than in the original StarCraft and you will have huge flexibility in modifying the terrain sets (including adjusting textures, doodads, lighting) allowing you to create your own variations of the default maps. There may be other jungle-themed default maps named after other planets. 到目前为止,我们在[星际2]中看到的地形类型都会有例如“拜舍尔(丛林)”这样的名称。这样命名是不是指丛林这种地形的别称就叫“拜舍尔”,还是说每一种地形都是按照拥有该地形的星球名称而命名的?另外,还是拿这个例子来说,还有没有其它的使用不同地形集的丛林地图,比如“艾尔(丛林)”这种? 我们是用星球名称来给地形集命名的。现在地形集的数量要比旧版的《星际争霸》多很多,玩家在修改地形集时(包括调整纹理、装饰物、光照等)将会有非常非常多的选择,玩家完全可以在初设地图上创建出自己想要的地图变化。另外,将来可能会有一些以其它星球名称命名的丛林风格的初设地图。