电脑大家应该不怎么陌生吧!现在电脑已经普及到大多数人的家庭之中了,电脑的用途非常地广,不同年龄段、不同行业的人对电脑的用处不同。但是对于很多的年轻人来说电脑最大的用途就是玩游戏了。电脑游戏大家肯定玩过吧!它可以使人上瘾。 之前小卷为大家带来过B大关于游戏中经济系统的蓝帖,在帖子中B大强调了在[暗黑3]中金币的存在性以及必要性。 但是这个世界上喷子总是多的,固执己见的人还是存在的,于是就金币是否游戏中有用的问题,在官方论坛中又热炒起来了。对于游戏中以物易物来代替金币的说法,这次B大态度依然强硬。具体请看蓝帖原文:
Bashiok: First and foremost I think it's a mistake to forget that gold was an intended currency in Diablo II. The Diablo game style isn't based on the idea that gold needs or has to be worthless and item for item trades are the only thing that work and any attempts to do otherwise will fail because it's Diablo and people don't like gold and... Item for item trades are certainly a part of what people know from Diablo II but remembering the result doesn't mean it matches the intent. Let's make a hypothetical.Diablo III is out and gold is worth something. There are systems or features or something within the game that you want to buy or invest in and it costs gold or gold is a large component of the cost to get it. Regardless of the specifics, you want MORE gold so you can buy some of this stuff you want. Ok. So then you're playing and you kill something and a sweet item drops, but you don't want it. Or better yet, you could keep it for an alt but you know it's worth something, so... You can go find someone and trade it for another item You can go sell it on a theoretical auction system getting gold for it, which (being worth something) can then be spent on the system/feature whatever it is you want gold for/or you can turn right around and buy an item you want from the theoretical auction system using the gold you just got
我认为首要的,也是最重要的,就是别忘记了在[暗黑2]金币是被设定流通货币。[暗黑]系列的游戏风格,并不取决于金币是否有价值,另外说以物易物才适合这个游戏等等之类的说法是站不住脚的。因为[暗黑]就是这样子的,不会因为玩家是否喜欢金币而变成另外一个样子。 以物易物的做法的确已经成为是人们说认识的[暗黑2]中的一部分。但是请谨记,以物易物只是游戏演变的一个结果,这个结果并不意味着它就符合我们游戏的目的。 让我们来做个假定,[暗黑3]发行了,同时金币变得更加有价值。在游戏中的某个系统或者某项特性的修改需要用到金币,你想去购买它或者进行消费,而它需要很多的金币或者说得到它需要花费大量的金币。至于如何细节上如何实现,现暂不讨论。你想要得到更多的金币,因此你可以购买你所需要的东西。这样说明白了吧。 所以当你玩游戏的时候,你会干掉怪物然后掉落些不错的装备,但是你用不上他。但是你知道它很值钱,所以这时候比较好的做法是,你拾取它然后…… 你可以和某些玩家进行以物易物。 你可以将它卖给系统NPC以得到金币,这样你就有钱在你想要系统/特性上进行消费,你也可以将它拍卖来获取金币,然后在系统NPC手中购买你想要的东西。