电脑大家应该不怎么陌生吧!现在电脑已经普及到大多数人的家庭之中了,电脑的用途非常地广,不同年龄段、不同行业的人对电脑的用处不同。但是对于很多的年轻人来说电脑最大的用途就是玩游戏了。电脑游戏大家肯定玩过吧!它可以使人上瘾。 不知道大家有没留意到,同样属于法系角色,巫医给人的关注度总是比巫师少了一点,无论是技能的声光效果或者杀伤性上,巫医总是给人一种不起眼的感觉。这或许是巫医偏重召唤系技能的原因,但是仅仅拼法术伤害的话,巫医会逊色于巫师吗?说真的,B大给出的答案的确有点出人意料。
Bashiok: You might be right about that. The witch doctor may be a bit slow, or at least it takes him a while to warm up in a fight. He has to do a bunch of things before the damage really starts flowing, but I think that's just a different style of play and approach. I could see it potentially being an issue though if he's just lagging behind in damage output. I haven't heard any recent comparisons but for a while he was edging out the wizard and barb for damage done. I don't think he's boring or lagging behind the other classes in cool skills though. http://www.diablowiki.net/Witch_Doctor_skills (Fansite reporting on skills, I haven't verified it's all 100% accurate but it looks pretty good at a glance) But to each their own, I think the witch doctor has a lot of appeal but I think it's ok if not everyone is super excited about every class.
玩家的说法可能是对的。巫师或许在输出上面的确有点慢,或者可以认为在战斗之前他需要热身运动。在战斗之前他要召唤大量的生物,不过在我看来这只是战斗风格的不同而已。我真正重视的是,在法术伤害输出方面,巫医是否真的落后于巫师。在最近这段时间我没有听到过这方面比较的信息,但是至少在一段时期内,巫医的法伤是比巫师要高的。 另外,在技能方面,我不认为巫医会比其他角色逊色。http://www.diablowiki.net/Witch_Doctor_skills (一个相关游戏网站对于巫医技能的介绍,我不能100%确定里面的内容是否真实,但是看上去还真的不错) 每个人都有自己的见解,我相信玩家们会对巫医这个角色有着各种各样的想法,但我想只要不是所有人对所有职业都很喜欢的话——那么巫医是无需十全十美的。