电脑大家应该不怎么陌生吧!现在电脑已经普及到大多数人的家庭之中了,电脑的用途非常地广,不同年龄段、不同行业的人对电脑的用处不同。但是对于很多的年轻人来说电脑最大的用途就是玩游戏了。电脑游戏大家肯定玩过吧!它可以使人上瘾。 这是官方论坛上一位相当有爱的玩家的发言: 1. Spell Animations: After watching the two part recent gameplay video i really think that the spell animations and effects should be toned down a moderate amount. Some battles had huge lights and explosions covering everything of relevance on the screen, its just a bit too cluttered. Explosions and effects are good, but this is too far. 2. Developement time: Last year (possible around blizzcon 08) i remember some blizzard dude saying that they were just starting act 2. It appears that they have just finished this act. If it takes a year per act... you get the picture, hopefully they hurry up on that. 网友: 1、动画效果:在看完两段游戏的演示视频之后,我就一直在想:动画效果能不能调低一点。一些战斗场面充斥着大量的光线以及爆炸效果,这样反而让人看不到屏幕了,这样会造成一些混乱。绚丽的动画是好的,不过好像有点过头了。 2、开发时间:我记得在去年一些暴雪的开发人员在说他们刚刚开发第二幕场景。现在看上去,演示的战斗场景就是他们刚刚开发完成的。如果每制造一幕场景需要一年的话……你应该知道我想说什么了,希望他们的开发进度会快点。
Bashiok: Thanks for the post, well reasoned opinion and a reasonable concern. 谢谢你的帖子,你提到的这两点的确值得商榷。
The spell animations, blood, explosions, and everything else going on can create what Jay mentioned a few times as "soup". An indistinguishable mess. It's really only an issue during four player games and even then, to be honest, I personally think it's all far more readable than it was in Diablo II. But, it's an ongoing concern and something we're going to have to continue to work at to make sure you can tell what's going on. 动画效果,血迹,爆炸效果等所有东西混在一起的话,的确会造成JAY说过的“混乱”的情况出现,使得玩家无所适从。不过这个问题也仅仅会出现在4个玩家同时进行团队游戏的时候,但凭良心说一句,我个人认为现在的效果比当年的[暗黑破坏神2]要好很多了。但是,它的确是个问题,是值得我们去继续改进的方向,我们的要做到的效果是能使得玩家能掌控在游戏中发生的一切。
For the second point, development time, there is a lot going on - a lot of areas, creatures, and dungeons created that no one has seen yet and probably won't see until the game is released. But dev time is certainly always something on people's minds. We're constantly refining our tools and processes, and the team just naturally gets better and faster at creating contest as they go. I don't think it's anything for the community at large to concern themselves with, let the producers sweat it. ;) 对于开发进度,场景2里面有很多东西的——许多新的地区、怪物以及地牢等等,而这些东西还没公开,而且很有可能在没有发售之前都不会透露出来。但是开发时间这件事的确是玩家们一直关注着的东西。我们一直有在不断改善我们的开发工具和方式,而我们的开发团队的工作效率也在不断提高。我不认为开发进度是我们需要关心的东西,这些问题就留给开发人员烦恼吧:)