电脑大家应该不怎么陌生吧!现在电脑已经普及到大多数人的家庭之中了,电脑的用途非常地广,不同年龄段、不同行业的人对电脑的用处不同。但是对于很多的年轻人来说电脑最大的用途就是玩游戏了。电脑游戏大家肯定玩过吧!它可以使人上瘾。 1:船的种类:11种;5种贸易船,6种战船 2:玩家最多拥有20个舰队,每个舰队最多5只船 3:指挥官技能分两类:主动和被动;主动是指战斗方面,被动指探索,组织,敬畏等。 指挥官分5个等级,共十种技能。 4:每个舰队一个指挥官 5:港口数:大约40 6:主要贸易货物(MTI)只能在特殊港口获得,如:黄金:在非洲的阿克拉(Accra) 和 卢安达(Luanda);香料:在印度的苏拉特Surat,孟买 Bombay 和 果阿Goa.
下面是我的英文原文摘要(摘自开发人员的博客): 1:five trading ships and six warships 2:You can have a maximum of twenty fleets and each fleet can have a maximum of five ships(每个舰队最多5只船,玩家最多拥有20个舰队) 3:In order to protect your trading ships you can create mixed fleets that have both ship types in them 4:In East India Company however, trading is the goal of the whole game 5:Commander Skills are divided into two categories: active and passive Passive skills are permanent skills that are in effect all the time. These include, Navigator, Organizer and Feared for example. Active skills are combat oriented. 6:Newbie Commanders start from level 0 and a maximum level for them to reach is 5. Level 5 commanders have 10 different skills. 7:Each new fleet will have a newbie commander(每个舰队一个指挥官) 【说明:EIC没有采用希德梅尔海盗那样的配船模式,因为那样船的种类就过多,不好控制,而是采用指挥官那种类似RPG的方式】 8:Diplomatic:Enemy of your enemy is your friend 9:All ports, about forty 10: Main Trade Items (MTI) ,MTI's can only be obtained from specific ports. Gold for example is available only in Africa at Accra and Luanda. Spices can be found only in Surat, Bombay and Goa. 11:Getting your economy rolling and having a steady income is crucial for the success. Even large companies can be crippled and even small companies can rise.