电脑大家应该不怎么陌生吧!现在电脑已经普及到大多数人的家庭之中了,电脑的用途非常地广,不同年龄段、不同行业的人对电脑的用处不同。但是对于很多的年轻人来说电脑最大的用途就是玩游戏了。电脑游戏大家肯定玩过吧!它可以使人上瘾。 相关推荐:《dota》专题 玩DOTA半年多了,初学的时候一直是一个人在摸索,因为以前玩SOLO的关系一直在RN浏览信息,所以玩DOTA也是在RN上找资料,刚玩时都是打RANDOM,RAN到什么英雄就切出来在RN上找这个英雄资料,如有就边看资料边玩,没有就REPICK掉,因为一直没有小鹿的资料,所以初学的时候一直就没玩过这个英雄,加之在路人也少见人选这个英雄,而选的人经常超神,所以对小鹿一直感觉很神秘。后来玩多了一直感觉这个英雄很独特,但是仅仅是独特,并不是个强大的英雄,但是却非常喜欢她这种独特。下面就说说对这个英雄的个人理解,希望对新人有所帮助,也希望各个老鸟提出您们宝贵意见。 ——楔子 照常规的先来看下基本资料
初始射程 (Base Range): 550|初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7 初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed): 295|初始防御 (Base Armor): 2.0 基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence|初始攻击力 (Base Damage): 37 - 47 初始力量值 (Base Strength): 16|初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 19|初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 16 力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.0|敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.8|智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 2.8
推进 (Impetus) [T] 提升魅惑魔女攻击的威力,目标距离越远造成的伤害越大。 法球效果 英雄攻击 神圣(魔法)伤害 冷却时间:6/5/4/0秒 魔法消耗:40/45/50/55点 Gives strength to the Enchantress' attacks, causing them to deal greater damage the further away the target is. 一级 - 造成相隔距离4%的额外伤害。 二级 - 造成相隔距离8%的额外伤害。 三级 - 造成相隔距离12%的额外伤害。 四级 - 造成相隔距离16%的额外伤害。 Level 1 - Causes Aiushtha's attacks to deal more damage the further away the target is. Deals 4% of the distance in damage. Level 2 - Causes Aiushtha's attacks to deal more damage the further away the target is. Deals 8% of the distance in damage. Level 3 - Causes Aiushtha's attacks to deal more damage the further away the target is. Deals 12% of the distance in damage. Level 4 - Causes Aiushtha's attacks to deal more damage the further away the target is. Deals 16% of the distance in damage.
魅诱 (Enchant) [C] 操纵一个目标生物,持续120秒。如果目标不能被控制,则降低移动速度,持续7秒。 施法距离:700 冷却时间:30/25/20/15秒 魔法消耗:65点 Brings target unit under control of Aiushtha. If the unit cannot be converted, it will instead by slowed. 一级 - 降低不能控制的目标10%的移动速度。 二级 - 降低不能控制的目标20%的移动速度。 三级 - 降低不能控制的目标30%的移动速度。 四级 - 降低不能控制的目标40%的移动速度。 Level 1 - Converts target unit to serve the Enchantress. If the unit cannot be converted it will be slowed by 10% for 7 seconds. 30 second cooldown. Level 2 - Converts target unit to serve the Enchantress. If the unit cannot be converted it will be slowed by 20% for 7 seconds. 25 second cooldown. Level 3 - Converts target unit to serve the Enchantress. If the unit cannot be converted it will be slowed by 30% for 7 seconds. 20 second cooldown. Level 4 - Converts target unit to serve the Enchantress. If the unit cannot be converted it will be slowed by 40% for 7 seconds. 15 second cooldown.
自然之助 (Nature's Attendants) [R] 释放出小精灵来治疗魅惑魔女附近的友方单位。每个小精灵持续10秒,并回复10点/秒的生命。 作用范围:300 冷却时间:45秒 魔法消耗:125/140/155/170点 Releases a swarm of wisps to heal nearby allies in a 300 radius. Each wisp lasts 10 seconds and heals 10hp/sec. 一级 - 释放出3个小精灵。 二级 - 释放出5个小精灵。 三级 - 释放出7个小精灵。 四级 - 释放出9个小精灵。 Level 1 - Releases 3 curative wisps into the area around Aiushtha. These wisps heal for 10 health each second. Level 2 - Releases 5 curative wisps into the area around Aiushtha. These wisps heal for 10 health each second. Level 3 - Releases 7 curative wisps into the area around Aiushtha. These wisps heal for 10 health each second. Level 4 - Releases 9 curative wisps into the area around Aiushtha. These wisps heal for 10 health each second.
不可侵犯 (Untouchable) [U] 当魅惑魔女受到攻击时,她会迷惑该单位以降低其攻击速度。 Whenever the Enchantress is attacked, she beguiles the unit into slowing its attack. 一级 - 降低50%的攻击速度。 二级 - 降低70%的攻击速度。 三级 - 降低90%的攻击速度。 Level 1 - Whenever Aiushtha is attacked she beguiles the attacking unit into slowing its attack by 50%. Level 2 - Whenever Aiushtha is attacked she beguiles the attacking unit into slowing its attack by 70%. Level 3 - Whenever Aiushtha is attacked she beguiles the attacking unit into slowing its attack by 90% 从属性成长来看,是一个相对平庸的英雄,并没有什么独特之处。总的来说小鹿并不是一个CW英雄,是个标准的路人英雄,很有IF特色的一个英雄(同样的还有血魔,巫医等并不十分强悍但是很有特点),作为一个智力英雄,没有强大的NUKE,没有AOE,没有控制(仅仅一个减速技能),后期做DPS的潜质很一般,唯一可以称道的是前期强大的压制能力,但是只有这一个好玩的法球技能她的存在就是值得的。 玩游戏可以在很大程度上让大家放松放松,但是我建议大家不要把过多的时间投入到工作当中,因为这样的话大家很有可能上瘾,这样不利于大家的工作或者是学习。 |