《英雄联盟》(简称LOL)是由美国拳头游戏(Riot Games)开发、中国大陆地区腾讯游戏代理运营的英雄对战MOBA竞技网游。游戏里拥有数百个个性英雄,并拥有排位系统、符文系统等特色养成系统。《英雄联盟》还致力于推动全球电子竞技的发展,除了联动各赛区发展职业联赛、打造电竞体系之外,每年还会举办“季中冠军赛”“全球总决赛”“All Star全明星赛”三大世界级赛事,获得了亿万玩家的喜爱,形成了自己独有的电子竞技文化。
lol复仇之矛卡丽丝塔英雄视频展示: lol复仇之矛卡丽丝塔技能介绍: 首先是她有一个专属道具 ![]() he Black Spear Active: Kalista offers a pact to an allied champion, should they agree, the item is consumed and pair are Soul-Bound for the remainder of the game. When accepted, the binding enables Soul-Marked, a passive on Sentinel, and allows Kalista to use Fate’s Call when she unlocks it. 简单来说就是一个附加的矛的标记,并且一个附加一个和队友的灵魂链接,然后能用大招这看到后面才知道 Abilities ![]() Passive: Martial Poise Rather than cancelling the basic attack animation, a move order hops Kalista in the direction of the click after she completes her attack. Kalista leaps farther when moving away from her target. 简单来说也就是不仅取消了基础攻击动画,也能让她向着攻击目标方向移动或者说跳跃更远,因为我看到的是网页的gif一样的视频,不知道怎么传哈,反正今天多玩也就应该会跟上了,我这里就简单介绍介绍。 ![]() Q: Pierce Kalista hurls a spear, damaging the first enemy struck and adding a stack of Rend. Pierce also procs Martial Poise q那就是豹女的q一样。不过多了一层类似标记的东西,同时q也能取消攻击动画。 ![]() W: Sentinel Passive: Soul-Marked—When Kalista and her bound ally attack a minion, monster or enemy champion at the same time, they deal bonus magic damage. Active: Kalista commands a sentinel to keep watch over an area. The sentinel patrols back and forth in a line a few times. Vulnerable to attacks from behind, sentinels see in a cone in front of them and scream if they spot an enemy champion. w被动就是和队友会有一个灵魂链接一样的东西显示在地图上,队友和自己攻击的目标会分别造成2个矛的标记和造成额外魔法伤害。主动呢,就是释放一个小灵魂,可以来回在线上探索视野,类似于ashe的e?不过没那么远。如果发现目标小灵魂就会尖叫然后跟随目标一段距离然后消失, 感觉这英雄最厉害的是大招,不过先说e哈 ![]() E: Rend Kalista’s basic attacks and the spear from Pierce lodge in their target for a short time. Rend causes her to rip the spears from her enemies, slowing them and dealing increased damage for each spear rent from the target. Rend’s cooldown resets if it secures a kill on an enemy unit. The spears stackinfinitely, only disappearing if Kalista fails to keep up her assault. 简单来说就是撕裂。之前技能说的叠加的标记这时候就有用了,标记会维持一段时间,每一层标记都会相应减少目标移动速度并且造成伤害,如果这个标记直接杀死对方,就会刷新冷却 登登登登登!大招! ![]() R: Fate’s Call Kalista repositions her bound ally next to her, making them untargetable and disabling their spells. During Fate’s Call, Kalista’s Soul-Bound gains a new ability, which allows the Soul-Bound to dash in a target direction, knocking up enemies they strike. 很牛X的大招来了!这个大招如果到时候大家看到视频就知道了,很帅,可以把有灵魂链接的队友直接像灵魂出窍一样抓住然后变成一个辛德拉抓的球一样的东西,然后扔出去,是个团控,造成击飞和伤害。 ![]() 感觉这很多都像锤石啊。锤石的w,不过这次竟然还能扔出去!然后还是个团控 总的来说这英雄像是豹女和锤石的结合体,不过感觉和锤石像是一个地方来的。 还是很帅的哈~不过好像是个女人,但是和jinx金克斯一样没有。。。
玩游戏可以在很大程度上让大家放松放松,但是我建议大家不要把过多的时间投入到工作当中,因为这样的话大家很有可能上瘾,这样不利于大家的工作或者是学习。 |