HResult | Value | Description |
hrMalformedXML | 0x80042000 | The XML is not well-formed. |
hrInvalidXML | 0x80042001 | The XML is invalid. |
hrCreatingSection | 0x80042002 | The section could not be created. |
hrOpeningSection | 0x80042003 | The section could not be opened. |
hrSectionDoesNotExist | 0x80042004 | The section does not exist. |
hrPageDoesNotExist | 0x80042005 | The page does not exist. |
hrFileDoesNotExist | 0x80042006 | The file does not exist. |
hrInsertingImage | 0x80042007 | The image could not be inserted. |
hrInsertingInk | 0x80042008 | The ink could not be inserted. |
hrInsertingHtml | 0x80042009 | The HTML could not be inserted. |
hrNavigatingToPage | 0x8004200a | The page could not be opened. |
hrSectionReadOnly | 0x8004200b | The section is read-only. |
hrPageReadOnly | 0x8004200c | The page is read-only. |
hrInsertingOutlineText | 0x8004200d | The outline text could not be inserted. |
hrPageObjectDoesNotExist | 0x8004200e | The page object does not exist. |
hrBinaryObjectDoesNotExist | 0x8004200f | The binary object does not exist. |
hrLastModifiedDateDidNotMatch | 0x80042010 | The last modified date does not match. |
hrGroupDoesNotExist | 0x80042011 | The section group does not exist. |
hrPageDoesNotExistInGroup | 0x80042012 | The page does not exist in the section group. |
hrNoActiveSelection | 0x80042013 | There is no active selection. |
hrObjectDoesNotExist | 0x80042014 | The object does not exist. |
hrNotebookDoesNotExist | 0x80042015 | The notebook does not exist. |
hrInsertingFile | 0x80042016 | The file could not be inserted. |
hrInvalidName | 0x80042017 | The name is invalid. |
hrFolderDoesNotExist | 0x80042018 | The folder (section group) does not exist. |
hrInvalidQuery | 0x80042019 | The query is invalid. |
hrFileAlreadyExists | 0x8004201a | The file already exists. |
hrSectionEncryptedAndLocked | 0x8004201b | The section is encrypted and locked. |
hrDisabledByPolicy | 0x8004201c | The action is disabled by a policy. |