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OneNote 2013 出错代码集合大全

OneNote 2013 出错代码集合大全

更新时间:2024-01-22 文章作者:未知 信息来源:网络 阅读次数:

Microsoft Office是由Microsoft(微软)公司开发的一套办公软件套装。常用组件有 Word、Excel、PowerPoint等。Microsoft Office是一套由微软公司开发的办公软件,它为 Microsoft Windows 和 Mac OS X而开发。

HResult Value Description
hrMalformedXML 0x80042000 The XML is not well-formed.
hrInvalidXML 0x80042001 The XML is invalid.
hrCreatingSection 0x80042002 The section could not be created.
hrOpeningSection 0x80042003 The section could not be opened.
hrSectionDoesNotExist 0x80042004 The section does not exist.
hrPageDoesNotExist 0x80042005 The page does not exist.
hrFileDoesNotExist 0x80042006 The file does not exist.
hrInsertingImage 0x80042007 The image could not be inserted.
hrInsertingInk 0x80042008 The ink could not be inserted.
hrInsertingHtml 0x80042009 The HTML could not be inserted.
hrNavigatingToPage 0x8004200a The page could not be opened.
hrSectionReadOnly 0x8004200b The section is read-only.
hrPageReadOnly 0x8004200c The page is read-only.
hrInsertingOutlineText 0x8004200d The outline text could not be inserted.
hrPageObjectDoesNotExist 0x8004200e The page object does not exist.
hrBinaryObjectDoesNotExist 0x8004200f The binary object does not exist.
hrLastModifiedDateDidNotMatch 0x80042010 The last modified date does not match.
hrGroupDoesNotExist 0x80042011 The section group does not exist.
hrPageDoesNotExistInGroup 0x80042012 The page does not exist in the section group.
hrNoActiveSelection 0x80042013 There is no active selection.
hrObjectDoesNotExist 0x80042014 The object does not exist.
hrNotebookDoesNotExist 0x80042015 The notebook does not exist.
hrInsertingFile 0x80042016 The file could not be inserted.
hrInvalidName 0x80042017 The name is invalid.
hrFolderDoesNotExist 0x80042018 The folder (section group) does not exist.
hrInvalidQuery 0x80042019 The query is invalid.
hrFileAlreadyExists 0x8004201a The file already exists.
hrSectionEncryptedAndLocked 0x8004201b The section is encrypted and locked.
hrDisabledByPolicy 0x8004201c The action is disabled by a policy.
hrNotYetSynchronized 0x8004201d OneNote has not yet synchronized content.
hrLegacySection 0x8004201E The section is from OneNote 2007 or earlier.
hrMergeFailed 0x8004201F The merge operation failed.
hrInvalidXMLSchema 0x80042020 The XML Schema is invalid.
hrFutureContentLoss 0x80042022 Content loss has occurred (from future versions of OneNote).
hrTimeOut 0x80042023 The action timed out.
hrRecordingInProgress 0x80042024 Audio recording is in progress.
hrUnknownLinkedNoteState 0x80042025 The linked-note state is unknown.
hrNoShortNameForLinkedNote 0x80042026 No short name exists for the linked note.
hrNoFriendlyNameForLinkedNote 0x80042027 No friendly name exists for the linked note.
hrInvalidLinkedNoteUri 0x80042028 The linked note URI is invalid.
hrInvalidLinkedNoteThumbnail 0x80042029 The linked note thumbnail is invalid.
hrImportLNTThumbnailFailed 0x8004202A The importation of linked note thumbnail failed.
hrUnreadDisabledForNotebook 0x8004202B Unread highlighting is disabled for the notebook.
hrInvalidSelection 0x8004202C The selection is invalid.
hrConvertFailed 0x8004202D The conversion failed.
hrRecycleBinEditFailed 0x8004202E Edit failed in the Recycle Bin.

The following lists the new error codes for OneNote 2013.

HResult Value Description
hrIMConversationTypeInvalid 0x8004202F Returned by?UpdatePageContent?if?IMConversationType?page node property was to a value other than 0,1,2 or 3
hrAppInModalUI 0x80042030 A modal dialog is blocking the app.

Office办公软件是办公的第一选择,这个地球人都知道。Microsoft Office 2010的新界面简洁明快,标识也改为了全橙色。


